Rent Review 2024
The Trustees reviewed the rent for 2024/25 at their meeting in April. The last year has continued to see significant inflation which has led to many of our costs rising substanitally. From 1 July 2024 the standard rent will increase from £206.00pcm to £224.50pcm for properties in England and Wales. This is an increase of 9%. We will be raising the rents of properties in Scotland later in the year to bring them in line with England and Wales.
Rent Policy
The Trustees agreed a Rent Policy (March 2023) regarding the rent paid by tenants who have made Interest Free Loans or have Equity Shares. The new policy will initially effect new tenants but changes are being phased in over 2 years for current tenants with equity shares. The changes will mean that some tenants will pay more rent than previously, while others will see a reduction. The intention is to be as fair and equitable as possible in the rent charged. If having read the policy you have any questions please feel free to contact Andy Hughes.