How we work
RBMHO is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission under charity number 1177649.
It is governed by Trustees of whom half are appointed by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the remainder by the RBMHO Trusttee Board. The Trustees are drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, including tenant representation.
The Trustees meet a minimum of three times per year. They are responsible for determining policy for the Organisation, for looking at specific issues which arise from time to time, for approving the annual accounts, for agreeing the Organisation’s annual report and for determining the Organisation’s rents and purchase ceiling. They also receive reports and oversee the operation of the Organisation.
RBMHO has two members of staff, the Revd Andy Hughes, General Manager, who is responsible for the running of the Organisation along with Joe Cleaver, Operations and Property Manager .